I find myself in the kitchen today roasting tomatoes without a purpose. Today it’s cherry tomatoes. I’m not sure what for yet… maybe for a dinner salad, maybe on a baguette or tossed with pasta... I’ll figure that part out later. For now, aren’t they pretty?
Ironically, it all started with a few tomato plants.
The blog that is.
It’s ironic that it is the tomatoes that draw me back and make me sit down and write for the first time in what feels like months (for the record it's been weeks).
It’s ironic that I was roasting tomatoes then. Tomorrow I will take these little beauties and do something with them, like this salad or this crostini or this pasta. I’m roasting tomatoes for the sake of roasting them. You must roast cherry tomatoes to really understand their flavour and sweetness. They become a bit jammy. Just stick them on a piece of crusty bread and you will understand what I mean. You must roast your cherry tomatoes.
Slow Roasted Cherry Tomatoes
- 1 pound cherry tomatoes
- 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
- sea salt
- marjoram or another favorite dried herb
Preheat oven to 325. Wash and dry tomatoes and place them in a roasting plan or baking dish. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and dried herbs. Roast in over for 30-40 minutes or until blistered and slightly wrinkled. They will deflate as they cool.
So while we are here, let’s go back to the beginning shall we?
Three years ago.. Yep. That’s what I said. It’s hard for me to believe this space on the internet has been mine that long.
Not three years ago today – three years ago August-ish. I’m not very good with details.
I’ve been inconsistent. I’ve changed my focus, my themes and colour schemes. There have been dips and lulls in my posting. (I may have even stopped altogether once for a period of 6 months – I think, I wasn't keeping track)
I’ve posted desserts,
health foods,
sometimes vegan only ....
sometimes just for kids
often it’s all about breakfast
At the risk of confusing my readers, I’ve never started over. Which is tempting and occasionally I reconsider. Maybe I should just archive all that old stuff? I've never been good at housekeeping.
There is part of me that treats this space as a personal diary. Documenting an evolution. And for now, I like to look back at those old posts and see how far I’ve come. Although sometimes they make me cringe a little.
When I started I didn’t take pictures. I rarely posted completed recipes. This was my space to work out my personal food debates. That’s it. Nothing more. I really didn’t care if anyone was even listening.
Of course now that has changed. Knowing someone is reading is one of the reasons I keep writing.
I’ve learned that even not so great pictures are better than no pictures. I’ve learned food photography is hard and takes more patience than I normally have. I’ve learned my favourite purple plates make food look a little off. (But I use them anyway because they are what I have and they have proven to be rather indestructible, so we are all stuck with them for a while.) I’ve also learned I’m a practical girl at surprising times.
This of course doesn’t mean I will never can tomatoes again. I’m unpredictable and inconsistent that way.
An Unrefined Vegan says
Wow! Three years! I'm impressed - sometimes I wonder if I'll make it to a year :-). Funny, I just used the last of a big batch of roasted tomatoes tonight on pasta.
cookingactress says
<3 this post. 3 years is amazing. Congrats!
thedrivencook says
I used to think I didn't like cooked tomatoes, but I DO when they're fresh and made like this! Yum!